Fat Activist Led Process Group - NEDC
A space to discuss and unpack the new NEDC Guidelines.
Service Description
Given the recent release of the NEDC Guidelines - "Management of eating disorders for people with higher weight: clinical practice guideline," I wanted to create a space where peers and providers can come together to discuss and further these conversations. Full transparency - I am a white, Masters level University educated woman. I am also a fat, queer, disbaled and chronically ill person. These small process groups will assist with: - Unpacking the guidelines and what this means for folks in bigger bodies. - Unpacking the ways in which folks in bigger bodies have historically been left out of research and lived experience. - Discuss the ways in which lived experience should be centered in all eating disorder work. - Unpacking who owns and who creates knowledge and scholarship about fatness. - Working towards a more just way to make room for fat, black, queer and disabled folk in this space. - Owning our privilege and being able to recognise when we are centering ourselves in the process. - Working out how we can continue to hold colleagues accountable for harm they have perpetrated. - Working with somebody with lived experience who can guide these discussions.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact me at least two hours prior to your booking.
Contact Details